Testing your Integration

This page includes information about the Felloh sandbox environment, enabling you to make sure your integration works as planned.

You can use it to test different scenarios in your integration and ensure they are handled correctly.

Developer Sandbox

You can use the Felloh API sandbox domain for testing and implementation, these do not affect your live data or interact with the live card or banking networks.


All of our apis can be used in the same way as in production, by using the sandbox subdomain rather than the api subdomain.


Test Payments

To ensure your integration functions properly, use specific values in the sandbox environment to mimic transactions without actual money transfers.

Test cards enable you to replicate various scenarios, such as:

  • Successful card payments based on brand or region
  • Errors caused by declined transactions, fraudulent activity, or incorrect information
  • Handling refunds and disputes
  • Simulating authentication via 3D Secure or PIN codes

Testing other payment methods follows a similar process, with unique values assigned to each method. However, due to rate limits, sandbox isn’t suitable for performance testing.

Card Payment

You can use the following card numbers to test your integration,

Card TypeCard NumberExpiryCVV
VISA Debit4462 0300 0000 0000Any Future DateAny 3 Digit Number
VISA Credit4444 3333 2222 1111Any Future DateAny 3 Digit Number
Mastercard5555 5555 5555 4444Any Future DateAny 3 Digit Number
AMEX3714 4963 5398 431Any Future DateAny 4 Digit Number

Open Banking

Set the payment link amount to £10.10 to simulate a successful Open Banking transaction on the sandbox. Payments for any other amount will not be processed on the sandbox.

When undertaking payments in test mode, you will be presented with an authentication screen for a mock bank account. The details are as follows,
